Monday, March 9, 2009

Recommended Products for use at Home

Specially Recommended NK Nourishing Mask!

This mask is a specialised product from the laboratory which contains intensive moisturising ingredients. It will produce unbelievable moisturising effect on your skin and the results are very obvious. It is mild and non-stimulus, helps to reduce age related fine lines, lighten up and provide anti oxidant effects on the skin, giving you a refresh feeling after using each time.

I have specially recommended this mask as many customers have used it and felt the wonderful effects. A single mask costs $3.50 and a packet of 10 costs you just $33. Payment will be refunded if you don't feel satisfied after using it. You must try it now!

肌肤的二十八日再生周期 表皮最下方的基底层,玫每天都会接受淋巴液所供给的营养,而制造出新的细胞。然而,由于荷尔蒙的失调、不健康的淋巴管及微血管输送及紫外线的侵害,导致皮肤新陈代谢的二十八日再生周期受到干扰,以致新旧细胞不能正常的再生及脱落,进而产生恼人的脸部皮肤问题,如暗 、黑头粉刺、黑斑、老化、敏感、粉刺、凹洞及皮肤松弛等等问题。